where adventures begin...
Stories for Children of all ages
Orrin the Brave follows the adventures of a bright and imaginative little boy as he embarks on an exciting journey over the course of a single day. Through a world of pretend battles, and fantastical creatures, Orrin unknowingly learns the power of his own courage. That evening when he is tucked into bed he must confront his fears, as an ominous sound echoes through his room. Mustering his courage he realizes that bravery isn’t about being fearless but about facing challenges head-on. This heartwarming story celebrates the boundless imagination of children while gently teaching the importance of overcoming fear.
Doola is a storyteller who has always been passionate about writing. He's written screenplays, poetry, non-fiction and now his first children's book. When he isn't pecking away at his laptop, he can usually be found watching his son on a tennis court. A writer through to his heart, Doola lives in Burbank, California where he enjoys a close circle of friends, the beaches, mountains and spinning a good tale.
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